The Molecular Biology & Genetics Laboratory at AL HADI Medical Center is one of the most advanced genomic centers in Lebanon and the Middle East.

Molecular based methods have advanced the laboratory testing to faster and better diagnostics. PCR methods,
microarray and next generation sequencing have provided speed and high level of accuracy.

1. Pathogens identification (PCR for infectious diseases):

Molecular biology based methods are sensitive and quick to detect microbial pathogens in various clinical specimens. We offer molecular detection of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and parasites from clinical specimens. We offer singleplex as well as different multiplex PCR tests for meningitis, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, immunocompromised patients, sexual transmitted diseases, etc..

2. Genomics (Common mutations):

We test for different common genetic mutations associated with different diseases such as cardiovascular disease panel (FV leiden, FII G20210, MTHFR..), FMF, Hemochromatosis, HLAB27 associated with ankylosing spondylitis, HLA B5 associated with Behcet disease, HLA DQ2/DQ8 associated with coeliac disease, alpha globin common mutations for alpha thalassemia, CFTR gene mutations for cystic fibrosis and male azoospermia, as well as Y chromosome microdeletions.

3. Molecular oncology:

We test for different translocations and fusion transcripts in cases of Leukemias, as well as different mutations associated with Myeloproliferative diseases (JAKII V617F, Jak2 exon 12, CALRETICULIN, MPL).

4. Karyotype/Cytogenetics:

We are one of the very few centers to perform karyotyping in the area. We do karyotyping on blood specimen, bone marrow specimen and Amniotic fluid specimen.

5. Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization/Cytogenetics:

We also perform FISH analysis for CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) and Multiple Myeloma as well as to test for aneuploidy (X,Y,13,18,21) in preimplantation, prenatal and postnatal stages.

6. Non Invasise prenatal testing (NIPT):

We also offer non invasive prenatal testing to know the gender of the fetus as well as his Rh type from 8 weeks of gestation from maternal blood.


We are the only Laboratory to perform Next Generation Sequencing locally to test for Embryos aneuploidy previous to IVF. We use the Ion S5 plateform from Thermofisher.

The Molecular Biology & Genetics Laboratory at AL HADI Medical Center is one of the most advanced genomic centers in Lebanon and the Middle East.

Molecular based methods have advanced the laboratory testing to faster and better diagnostics. PCR methods,
microarray and next generation sequencing have provided speed and high level of accuracy.

1. Pathogens identification (PCR for infectious diseases):

Molecular biology based methods are sensitive and quick to detect microbial pathogens in various clinical specimens. We offer molecular detection of pathogenic viruses, bacteria and parasites from clinical specimens. We offer singleplex as well as different multiplex PCR tests for meningitis, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, immunocompromised patients, sexual transmitted diseases, etc..

2. Genomics (Common mutations):

We test for different common genetic mutations associated with different diseases such as cardiovascular disease panel (FV leiden, FII G20210, MTHFR..), FMF, Hemochromatosis, HLAB27 associated with ankylosing spondylitis, HLA B5 associated with Behcet disease, HLA DQ2/DQ8 associated with coeliac disease, alpha globin common mutations for alpha thalassemia, CFTR gene mutations for cystic fibrosis and male azoospermia, as well as Y chromosome microdeletions.

3. Molecular oncology:

We test for different translocations and fusion transcripts in cases of Leukemias, as well as different mutations associated with Myeloproliferative diseases (JAKII V617F, Jak2 exon 12, CALRETICULIN, MPL).

4. Karyotype/Cytogenetics:

We are one of the very few centers to perform karyotyping in the area. We do karyotyping on blood specimen, bone marrow specimen and Amniotic fluid specimen.

5. Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization/Cytogenetics:

We also perform FISH analysis for CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) and Multiple Myeloma as well as to test for aneuploidy (X,Y,13,18,21) in preimplantation, prenatal and postnatal stages.

6. Non Invasise prenatal testing (NIPT):

We also offer non invasive prenatal testing to know the gender of the fetus as well as his Rh type from 8 weeks of gestation from maternal blood.


We are the only Laboratory to perform Next Generation Sequencing locally to test for Embryos aneuploidy previous to IVF. We use the Ion S5 plateform from Thermofisher.


Infectious diseases
Infectious diseases PCR

Common mutations
Common mutations
Opening hours


7am - 7pm


7am - 7pm


7am - 7pm


7am - 7pm


7am - 7pm


7am - 7pm


(Except Covid-19 PCR Lab)